Date start: 28.09.2018 Date END: 28.09.2018 Sharing the cost Basis
Planing a gay & Bi party with max of 12 heads at a place [Hotel ] withig colombo .
Specialized for Gay sex, but any cpl wish to join and expereince a gang bang for female partner can join as well.
No phones & cams allowed. Strictly privacy needed.
Your suggestions for a safe place too welcome [ pls suggest ]
Gay one on one allowed
Gay 3 some allowed
Gay gang bang allowed
Cpls their own sex & let others watch
Cpls with cuckold [chose a guy from party]
Cpls with 3 some [chose a guy from party]
Cpls for gang Bang [chose any no of guys from party]
Girlsladieswifes or GFs solo dance performances with dildos etc welcome - party guys will watch you and commentencourage...... no touching or forced sex unless they invite..