2:25 pm Wednesday, 31st October, 2007
Is there a forum for discussing threesome experiences. We have just started to indulge ourselves and are finding it great fun but it would be interesting to exchange experiences with others will a similar inclinaton to ourselves
6:17 am Thursday, 1st November, 2007
Re: ThreesomesWe've always found that it's better to get to know someone as much as possible before meeting up. Whether that's via email, cam, msn or telephone we prefer to have some dialogue first. It's not a 100% gaurantee but we do manage to filter out people who we feel are too pushy or otherwise incompatible with us.
4:29 pm Thursday, 1st November, 2007
Re: ThreesomesThanks.. i like the word playmate-nice way to describe it!! i admire you rigorous 'checking out'...have fun |