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York Erotic Group

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I would like to know how many people would be interested in being in some sort of Erotic Group, I see that York is really dead, and it may be an Idea to liven things up through a better contact network.


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Re: York Erotic Group

Has no one got anything to say here?

If some type of community of like minded people could be brought together, with partys, meets news ect. It could put quiet york on the map.

Re: York Erotic Group

if you ever manage it give me a shout, or if you manage to get others involved I tried for almost six months to get a spanking club set up here in the city, but it was incredibly hard, not sure why York is like that,

Re: York Erotic Group


I agree with you, York is small, and I think people are afraid to step out of their zone, and make it happen.
The biggest problem that I see is that people do not communicate well here. The forum is dead, and this is a click and go site with many partner sites.

I think that it can happen, but it will take some work, and I guess it could happen on an Internet site, that is not dedicated to Erotic Introductions!

I have made some nice contacts here, but I think the UK is missing an opportunity, to enable people to communicate openly. I will not be renewing my membership, because the site is expensive, and it lacks what I need. Maybe we will meet somewhere else??

If anyone in York is interested in another concept of website, and has IT background, please get in touch.

Re: York Erotic Group

hi if you manage to start getting couplesfemales I'm in!!

Re: York Erotic Group


If you know some more people, direct them to this post, then we can see who else is interested.


Re: York Erotic Group

Sounds a great idea. We go to York most weekends and it is dull at times apart from the students wo end up making too much noise and being sick everywhere. Do you know of any bars in York where you can meet swingers?

Re: York Erotic Group

have a look at the gangbang forum...I try to establish a Gangbang group in the yorkshire region...we are already 4 for another 4 guys is availaible...
just read that post and get back to me.

i guesshope it is easier for a whole group of guys to get things done...

Re: York Erotic Group

Thanks for your reply,

I am writing this without first reading your post.

How have you found members responses to your post, your gangbang forum seems to be aimed at a mass orgy from it's name, I wonder how both sexes would respond to such activitys.

I was rather thinking of some sort of relaxed Group of people where they first get to know each other without sex being an issue, I mean we all have personalities, and maybe it would be OK to have a drink or 2 to get a better impression of who is hot and who is not hot (subjective of course!


Re: York Erotic Group


That is the problem around here, York seems to be lacking in activity.

The reason for my post was to get people together.

Re: York Erotic Group


Where is your post stenz ??

I cannot find it, under which section is it?

Re: York Erotic Group

Could visitors please rate these posts, I have rated your posts so that you can look credible,



Re: York Erotic Group

it is in the gangbang section!!

well, i am only here for 8 months...I dont aim for longterm friendship then.
I want sex...dont want to push should be about getting together and just enjoy some mere physical pleasure...
i can understand your wish though...but you cannot create such a place on the could happen though at such parties, when you had sex and could also'll probably find likeminded people.

Re: York Erotic Group

I can assure you there is quite a vibrant scene in York, although we aren't locals we have friends in York, and have been to several fantastic events over the years. However I will say that it does seem to be more "secretive", and unless you are invited to a function by a friend you could be forgiven for drawing the conclusion that the scene doesnt exist in York...believe us it does.


Re: York Erotic Group

I can assure you there is quite a vibrant scene in York, although we aren't locals we have friends in York, and have been to several fantastic events over the years. However I will say that it does seem to be more "secretive", and unless you are invited to a function by a friend you could be forgiven for drawing the conclusion that the scene doesnt exist in York...believe us it does.


Re: York Erotic Group

Thank you Jesmond2,

I will hang on, and hope that I find my way into this scene sometime.

I really thought York was dead, maybe I will be able to find out more when I launch my site for Erotic with style, (16 and over).

Re: York Erotic Group

img src="imagesadultemoticons019.gif" would love to join ur group