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This "invite to chat" thing..

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Why is it that when I visit my visitors page sometimes I get an "invite xxxxx to chat" invitation underneath a visitor's profile and sometimes I don't.

Re: This "invite to chat" thing..

We're no experts but we'd guess that's because sometimes someone wants to chat with you and sometimes they don't.

The first week we joined we got so many invites to chat it was unreal , all bar one were single guys just wantingto get off trying to talk dirty !!

We thought for quite a while the sites name should be changed to "Meet the Solo"

Re: This "invite to chat" thing..

The invite to chat is signifying that the member is online at that time and you can IM them. If there is no invite it means they have looked at your profile but are no longer on line.
hope this clears it up

Re: This "invite to chat" thing..

It's a real shame that people are just letting you down. It gives genuine single blokes a difficult time. In a way it surprises me that people are not more upfront, since this is surely the best possible environment for just being open and honest. But I guess it is easy to feel some Dutch courage when online, and that will lead to a certain amount of raised expectations.
I am here as a new guy and it's a bit disconcerting to read about the views that some members have about singles.
Good luck in your adventures anyway.

Re: This "invite to chat" thing..

Well, I see people online on my visitors page but when checked with "who's online" they're not there....

Whenever I try to chat, all I seem to get is "waiting xxxx's response..." and that's where the fun ends.
Just hope that person doesn't think I am not replying 'cause I am an arse. Anybody else have that prob?


Re: This "invite to chat" thing..

If the profile isn't there it may be hidden.
Profiles can be hidden by going to 'profile' and then 'profile options' then 'hide my profile'.

Re: This "invite to chat" thing..

The invite to chat is signifying that the member is online at that time and you can IM them. If there is no invite it means they have looked at your profile but are no longer on line.

Bear in mind also that there is a delay between logging out and no longer being shown as on line.

If the profile isn't there it may be hidden.
Profiles can be hidden by going to 'profile' and then 'profile options' then 'hide my profile'.

As well as hiding their profile, premium members also have the option to 'turn off IM', while Instant Messenger is not available to classic members.