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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

samanthaHornsby's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 8 September 2018 transgender Support group near Parramatta on a Saturday Friday evening,

Hi I'd love to know more about this group and meeting please as I'd be interested in coming along to make friends in the real world  

Hi sweetie it a socialsupport group for all transgender people to meet feel safe and share experiences and not feel isolated from others, to build confidence to new trans Individual and more experienced finding themselves and making new friendships along the way ,welcoming anyone wanting to be part of the group with love. Samantha xx

This sounds like something I really need to get involved in as I want to make real connections and friendships  in person rather than just online chat so I'm very interested in coming along on either the Friday or sat or maybe both  if I can find the time so can we chat more about  details like time place and how often this support group happens please I look forward to attending 

This sounds like something I really need to get involved in as I want to make real connections and friendships  in person rather than just online chat so I'm very interested in coming along on either the Friday or sat or maybe both  if I can find the time so can we chat more about  details like time place and how often this support group happens please I look forward to attending