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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

ExplorerCple's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 24 August 2018 Dear all explorer & fun lover, let's meet up for ice breaking.
Date & Time: 24th Aug'2018; 8:00PM
Location: KL changkat(open for suggestion)

Dear all explorer & fun lover, let's a meet up for ice breaking. 

Date & Time: 24th Aug'2018; 8:00PM

Location: KL area (may be changkat, but open for participant's suggestion)

Objective: Meet up, get to know each others, understand each others comfort level and chemistry, have fun conversation and time. 

What's next: any couplesingle click with others, it's up to them who they bring it forward, sky is the limit.

Warmly inviting all decent, fun loving,  open minded couplesgirls(bi or bi curious).

If you have any query or suggestion, please feel free to drop us a message

Hi, is the event open for single guys as well?