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When were you on?

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Attention administrator: On any profile, the one piece of info I want to see up front is when were they last logged on. If someone hasn't been on for 2 months, I won't look at it, let alone write. I don't want to waste my time.

Re: When were you on?

Couldn't agree more!!!

Re: When were you on?

Been thinking about this one 4 ages......makes so much sence, other sites have it and would help every1 in gauging how genuine ppl are or if its even worth contacting them. I guess that so many profiles are created by ppl who visit the site only once ot twice so lets se who they are.... so comon admin...sort it out...lol

Re: When were you on?

Definatley think this is a good idea! I know different ideas have been considered on how to distinguish between goodbad profiles and this seems a good way of helping do that.

Just thought I'd chip in! the more people that do then maybe something will happen!!! img src="imagesadultemoticons004.gif"

Re: When were you on?

Couldn't agree more. Makes sense to see, who may be genuine and regular visitors and save time for us other folks sending pointless contact details.

Re: When were you on?

checking your mail brings u to the top of the list!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then go down past all the prem members with their stars and u will find the non prems who checked mail at the top
if u dont check your mail u vanish down the listings

Re: When were you on?

Hi Msteve666,

It s simple, all you have to do is click on "search" for couples or singles and check out the most recently logged on. It won t give dates, but an approximation of who is using the site regularly.
Maybe someone has already mentioned this, but we couldn t read the last 2 replies due to not being Premium members.
We are still waiting for someone to read our mail after 3 weeks of posting them!!!

Happy swinging, J&G

Re: When were you on?

just want to add that i feel also this is a good idea

as when people are going on holiday they can set auto replys for mail they get

something i thougt of would be to date profiles as to when ppl joined to became members (premium and standard) and maybe a nte of how many posts they have made

Re: When were you on?

i am not even sure that would help? when dd'd was a free site we got 100's of emails and met loads of people, now were have only hand a handful?