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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Nicki670's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 11 August 2018 Anyone free tomorrow I'm home alone for a couple hours from 12 noon. Single male or two

I would love to any other time you are free

Would luv to just wish I was closer....just my luck xx

just let me know where

Wish I had known earlier. 

I’m free tomorrow and could come over, i’m an older man but I still have lots of life left in me! I am very open and genuine 

Hi, Can meet you babe

Hi, Can meet you babe

Am free 

Feel free to pm or message me and we can talk more details xx

Hi there I would love to join you tomorrow just let me know where and when ??

Hi there would love to meet up with you tomorrow just let me know where and when ??

Yeah I'm free 

Yes I’m free let me know xx

can we meet up ? x

can we meet up ? x

Hey I'm free let me know 

Wish I was closer.....

Tell me more nikki