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Fickle Members On Meeting UP

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Is it me our a lot of members on this site fickle, they chat with you and get along with you, they then say that they are interested and then when they see your photo's they become cold or dont reply to any of your messages.

We have our photo's on our profile, but this doesn't make a difference. I know that we are not the best looking couple you seen, but even after you have seen someones photo's and you dont think that you could meet them a simple message saying sorry but you are not to are liking ect.

Hope nobody else is going through this, and that everyone is enjoying themselves and having loads of fun.

So what does other members think?

love Adrian and Karenimg src="imagesadultemoticons029.gif"

Re: Fickle Members On Meeting UP

Unfortunately alot of people are here for different reasons and not always clear about that.
Some have a couples profile but the other half doesn't know about it; some are here just to see if they are considered attractive and the type of people that would generate interest as a boost to their ego; some are genuinely up for it but then reality strikes and one of them or both get cold feet; some have a genuine reason for backing out but don't let you know what it is; some are here just to piss people about and; some are singles posing as couples and will take it to the wire then pull out.
It messes people about especially if the signs have all pointed to a meet but after a while seeing is believing and a certain amount of cynicism creeps in. Don't even think about it becoming a meet until you're sat at the same table chatting together.
Go back 10 years and how could anyone meet people? Pubs, clubs, ads in papers. Now we have sites like this which are a fantastic idea and many people get alot of success from them but as with anything in life there are those that abuse this medium.
A while ago it was mentioned that a system for 'outing' people be used for those that don't turn up. Again that's open to abuse but sometimes people do have a genuine reason for not showing or for pulling out. Its impossible to sort out who's a time waster and who's just been unlucky. Its something we all just have to take on the chin and move on. The actions of other people take up too much of our time as it is and often we never get to the motive. Cut them away and crack on with the next one. Life is too short to worry about why someone wasted your time.