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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

colemanscott70's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 2 August 2018 Couple wants to host a party for couples and guys girls tg everyone

I would love to join your party. 

Count me in and send me address.  I will be there at time 

I would like to join ,if could be a help :);) .
Please get in touch ,hope to hear you soon .

I would love to receive an invite, if a place is going.
Hoping to hear from you, in the meantime, have a great ev

I would love to receive an invite, if a place is going.
Hoping to hear from you, in the meantime, have a great ev

I'm in plz send address

I'm in plz send address

I'm in plz send address

I'm in plz send address

I'm in. Would you be able to send address plz

Hi, I am in please send address.

Hey I just wanted to know if I could cum along?