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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

zanon79's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 30 June 2018 Let us come to you You can watchmaybe join in. if you accommodate, have a hotel room or know a outdoor spot, want flirty fun.

Wow what a fantastic proposal, how far are you willing to travel guys. Would love to join in if I was aloud to ??

Hi.. Looking for things around Southampton. So if you want to come to Southampton and book yourself a hotel room then maybe? Will need to send us pics of yourself first as none on your profile

Best to meet in a bar and flirt, laugh and enjoy. Then who knows what can happen. She love men and women who are really turn on by her enjoying me doing things to her. 

Im from southampton as well, and would love to play x x

Event dates: Saturday, 30 June 2018 Let us come to you You can watchmaybe join in. if you accommodate, have a hotel room or know a outdoor spot, want flirty fun.


we are now going out in tiger tiger Portsmouth tonight. maybe you like to meet up with us tonight? X

only just seen this, are you both stil out ? x