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Ok what does pm and pvt mean?

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I may seem a bit out of touch but what does pm and pvt mean when it appears in members ads - as in don't pm or don't pvt me!
I ask this as I've lost one contact - must have got fed up with me as I messed around and crashed my pc one night! I logged back on and apologised but that was it - never heard from again! So I want to get it right and not piss people off from the start.
Also, I told one contact that I liked her new pics and would be voting in the Am I Hot section - how do you get directly to the person you want to vote for? I seem to have to trawl thro hundreds of pics and never get to the right person.


Re: Ok what does pm and pvt mean?

Pm means private message (as in using yahoo or chat) and pvt means private as in going pvt with somone in chat. You should never go pvt with someone in chat without asking permission first....
Good luck
