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Giving up

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Honestly peed off with Brit couples in Spain (Costa Blanca). We have not had one reply to our mails, not even a, "Thanks but no thanks," that only takes a click with the mouse! Whatever happened to manners and common courtesy? Any single guys who read this and have sent us mail will know that we reply to everyone and never click on, Thanks but no thanks.
OK, so maybe we are a bit past our sell by date, but are still up for having a good time and are not fat or ugly. maybe it is true that there are no serious swinging couples here? Would be nice to hear from some of them if there are any, but they probably do not bother to read the forum either.
Looks like having to rely on the Spanish, at least they have a look before rejecting people and always reply in some form.
This our last whinge unless someone can come up with a good reason for this sorry state of affairs. Happy swinging to all, J&G

Re: Giving up

It seems about standard for anywhere and, in our experience, isn't limited to the ex-pats. If anything, the Spanish are worse. I would think that our response rates are (a) ex-pats - 10% reply, (b) Spanish - 0% reply, even if we write in Spanish.


Hugs and licks

Ian & Liga

Re: Giving up

Hola Ian y Liga,
Not sure where either of you are from, but the only way I can think of for you to meet spanish couples would be at There are lots of swingers on your coastline, but of course there is always the problem of likes and dislikes, geography, timing, age group and so on to contend with.
Our response rate from spanish single males is very high!!! From couples, very low!!
English singles, low!! English couples, zero!!
But then again, we live in Spain, have advertised in both languages and understand that there are more spanish in Spain than Brits.
Swinging es un mundillo diferente en que encontramos gente un poco diferente que normal. Creo que el mejor para os es estudiar lo que escriben en y elegir lo que pensais para anunciar alli. No cuesta nada si no quiereis pagar y si tienes algunas dudas, aqui estamos para ayudaros en messenger o email.
Besazos, Jose y Gloria (solo espaol o ingls por favor!!)

Re: Giving up

- Not sure where either of you are from, but the only way I can think of for you to meet spanish couples would be at

We're not *specifically* looking for Spanish couples. Anyone pinkish and breathing will do. :) At least *some* of the Brits bother to reply. Out of all the Spanish couples we've written to (here and other sites) I think just *one* has taken the trouble to reply. That was a 'yes' from their end - until we saw their photos (which weren't with their profile) and then we couldn't get rid of them! :)

- There are lots of swingers on your coastline, but of course there is always the problem of likes and dislikes, geography, timing, age group and so on to contend with.

Absolutely. But that's the same whatever your location.

- Our response rate from spanish single males is very high!!! From couples, very low!!

From *any* males - notwithstanding 'no single males' in several languages - twice. I wonder why they get upset when we point out that anyone who can't respect our profile is unlikely to respect us in bed? :)

- English singles, low!! English couples, zero!!

We get more UK-based couples coming on holiday than anything else. But, ITSM, that most of them are just building a list of phone numbers for them to work their way down. Everything is wonderful before they fly out and then they just don't bother calling. It's no problem (we are not *that* desperate) but it does make us a little sad that they should waste people's time like that. It was one of the reasons why I posted a suggestion, a while back, for a 'name and shame' board. It would certainly help in protecting the time of energy of the genuine people here.

Hugs and licks

Ian & Liga

Re: Giving up


Ina and Liga

I can remember replying to you on another site :-) . Anyway, i did send some mails to members on this site - disregarding their status (non or premium) and so far with not much success. I got one couple answering our mail with a very polite thanks but no thanks.

Other then that, I got a 5 mails which I answered all. On e of which is from that new swinger hotel in Benalmadena, one was somebody whinging about the way we try to turn off single mails on our profil.

Not a single one from single males, but then if YOU were a single and you would read our profile you probably would not boder to mail either :-).

In resume: low successrate compared to other sites....


Re: Giving up

Hi Ian & Liga,

Sorry for the late reply, we cannot read replies for 3 days.

Glad you are not hard up LOL, neither are we. I think the reason you have a low response from spanish is maybe due to the fact that there are not that many Costa del Sol spanish who swing?? Here on the Costa Blanca there are lots and lots. We went to an Alicante club on their anniversary and 94 couples attended, all spanish apart from us.
We still get responses from our old ads on and highly recommend it to anyone who can write in spanish.
Just a thought, have you contacted Wolfycande yet? Or did I not read both of your profiles, maybe you are not compatible or live too far away?

Happy swinging, Jose & Gloria

Re: Giving up

- Glad you are not hard up LOL, neither are we. I think the reason you have a low response from spanish is maybe due to the fact that there are not that many Costa del Sol spanish who swing??

There's been plenty in the clubs we've been to. Maybe they don't understand our Spanish. :) But, even on other sites where we've justsent them a 'favourite' (or 'kiss', or whatever on the particular site) very few respond.

We still get responses from our old ads on and highly recommend it to anyone who can write in spanish.

We'll have to have a *serious* look at that place. We had a quick glance at it but have been too busy to pursue things.

- Just a thought, have you contacted Wolfycande yet? Or did I not read both of your profiles, maybe you are not compatible or live too far away?

Yes, we've contacted just about everyone - of all nationalities. We really don't mind anyone not wanting to meet us. Like you, we're just a bit sad that most people find it too much trouble to hit the 'no thanks' button. You would think they would have a greater sense of community. But at least it sorts out the time-wasters. If they aren't the sort of people who can take the trouble to reply then they're not really our sort of people anyway. :) Like you, we're seriously considering giving up with web-based contact systems.

Hugs and licks

Ian & Liga

Re: Giving up

hear, hear. as a single guy and replying to ads I fully agree a thanks but no thanks at least lets you know there are people out there. Response rates are little and none, now at last posted or am trying to post a photo so will wait and see. We have a few good clubs here on the costa del sol but the Spanish only seem to go out after 2 am!!! Down here they seem to use the clubs more as social clubs than swinging clubs.Regards to all cg.

Re: Giving up


Why don't single guys go to sites were singles meet? The changes to find a match are much higher for them on then on sites where swinging couples look for other couples or for bi single girls.

How many profiles are on sites like this saying..."we are are a couple looking for a single man.." ? compared to profils saying 'no single man please' - if you set these numbers in perspective to the amount of single men on here hoping for an easy shagg - no wonder you get no replies. Does not take a university degree in maths to figuere this one out!

We will continue not to reply to single men, one poster said iy best: if they don't respect my profile how they gonna respect us in bed?"

Hey all you singles out there:

Would you approach a couple in a disco or a bar to have a threesome with them? N0? Why not, here you are doing it all them time even so you got told upfront not to bother.


Wolfgang & Cande

Re: Giving up

Hola Wolfgang & Cande,

We have written about this before and go on to say:-
We cannot understand why you seem so bitter about the single male thing? They, like us are looking for something out of the ordinary and some of them find it. You are not alone in not wanting to know single guys, but there are many couples who do and the singles are just as entitled as we are to advertise where they wish.
Although you may not agree with us, its the truth. Have a look at to see how many couples are looking to meet single men and read the list of couple members on this site, there are not so many, but there are some, us included.
A lot depends on the sexuality of the female partner, if she is Bi it is unlikely that the couple want to know single men, if she is hetero, it is more likely that the couple will. Simple as that. When and if you go to the clubs, watch and see how many couples are with a single guy at sometime during the evening, we think you will be surprised.
We know for a fact that singles are more used to rejection, naturally, they have to be, but have a look also at the singles on this site, one to our knowledge has been on it as a premium member for well over a year and yet another who sent us a, Thanks but no thanks, we gather due to our advanced ages.
Live and let live, let them get on with their lives and ignore them if they bother you, after all, its only a click of the mouse to dispose of them?

Happy swinging, Jose & Gloria

Re: Giving up


Think you missunderstood me. Everybody has his own likes and dislikes, nothing wrong with that. What really pisses me of are :

1. Single guys writting short messages saying 'want to fuck you'
2. Single guys who approache us at all, despite of us being very explicit in our profil about the subject.
3. Single guys who pretend to be a couple.
4. Ofensive language of single guys when being rejected.

We had all of the above

Nothing wrong with being into mmf but there is certainly something wrong in lying to others and disrespecting ones explicitly puplished wish not to be approached by single men.

Thanks for your E-mail, have you got pics of yourselves?


Wolfgang & Cande

Re: Giving up

Hola Wolfgang & Cande,

Hey all you singles out there:

Would you approach a couple in a disco or a bar to have a threesome with them? N0? Why not, here you are doing it all them time even so you got told upfront not to bother.

We forgot this one earlier, it begs the question, would you approach a couple in a bar and ask them to have a foursome? What is the difference? These single guys may not be as stupid as you seem to think, "nothing ventured, nothing gained" an old saying in the UK.
Keep calm and remember, the mouse can do the work, not so hard really.

Send us a list of these guys who keep annoying you so we can choose one or two for us?

Best wishes, Jose & Gloria