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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

playthingshare's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 8 June 2018; Saturday, 9 June 2018; Sunday, 10 June 2018 Looking for some fun! We have a short break in north Devon and will be staying in a quiet lodge.
Anyone care to join us?

Hi, Friday night could be free if you're interested? 

Hi would be honoured to meet up with you at weekends, count me in! 

Event dates: Friday, 8 June 2018; Saturday, 9 June 2018; Sunday, 10 June 2018 Looking for some fun! We have a short break in north Devon and will be staying in a quiet lodge.

Anyone care to join us?

Event dates: Friday, 8 June 2018; Saturday, 9 June 2018; Sunday, 10 June 2018 Looking for some fun! We have a short break in north Devon and will be staying in a quiet lodge.

Anyone care to join us?

Event dates: Friday, 8 June 2018; Saturday, 9 June 2018; Sunday, 10 June 2018 Looking for some fun! We have a short break in north Devon and will be staying in a quiet lodge.

Anyone care to join us?

Would be delighted to meet up with you that weekend, give me a shout please!! 

I would love to join you, to show the female as much attention as she requires, Saturday night and Sunday available. Feel free to message me if your at all interested. Thanks

I would love to join you, to show the female as much attention as she requires, Saturday night and Sunday available. Feel free to message me if your at all interested. Thanks

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Event cancelled

Event cancelled

Event cancelled

Event cancelled