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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

janan2a's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 31 May 2018 We going to have a greedy girl house party,looking for single males xxx

would love to be there

How do I get an invitation

Will like to go

Will like to go

I would love to come.

Hoi Jan, welke tijd?

at at eleven 15 o'clock in the brico depot and we leave at 11,30 , see that you do not are late

So very tempting hopefully will attend

Gutted, have appointments in Alicante Thurs, if cancelled will be there, if not please keep me in mind for next 'greedy girl' event. Hope you and all who attend have a great time...sure you will. Enjoy! Know I will if I can get there!!!

At brico in the evening?

We will meet this males at eleven am,one the outside parking from the brico depot in crevientte,i drive a black scooter jan en ann the slut xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Too early for me, that's a shame, perhaps next time.

I want to attend please

Event cancelled

Event cancelled