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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

carren2018's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 5 May 2018 I'm very kinky women enjoy life

Where love to join meet up for kinky

Where love to join meet up for kinky

Ild meet you let me now if your interested in me plz 

Ild meet you let me now if your interested in me plz 

Tell me where

Sounds like a plan. I would love to meet up with you. See if i could charm you, and seduce about a long ,slow, sensual massage with oils, just to let you unwind, and feel refreshed. ????

Event dates: Saturday, 5 May 2018 I'm very kinky women enjoy life
i would like you to severely cane me then i will cane you if you want or we can fuck all day

no more women’s in this event? ????

Can you meet me at the train station please.?

Can I come over Friday night?

Can you give me details please

Can you give me details please

I definitely would enjoy to attend I would enjoy group sex

I definitely would enjoy to attend I would enjoy group sex

I definitely would enjoy to attend I would enjoy group sex

You some beautiful would love to fuck you are then