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postal contacts

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via the club-aphrodite mag i submitted several postal mailings,all of which included a polite letter & 1st class s.a.e.ive had no response at all & find it hard to believe anyone who would advertise in the first place would not at least send a "thanks but no thanks"in a s.a.e provided.also on site politics,why would a premium member contact a standard member if they have"supposedly"added,replies from premium members only.these things on this site DO NOT ADD UP!img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif"

Re: postal contacts

You may have just been unlucky with the people you replied to. Bear in mind coupleswomen get many replies and sometimes they give up! I know thats not good enough and everyone should reply with just a "no thanks". But life isn't perfect. This site is improving all the time and I still believe you dont have to commit to be premium member initially but being premium helps.

Re: postal contacts

Hi marshallgear,

They probably say thanks in their own way as they steam the stamps off of your letters.

We have to disagree with you Terry about the site improving. Although the membership was lower a year ago, it worked better from our point of view and they did not have the politics in place to try to up their income. We can see why they do it, but still find some of it a bit petty and offputting.

Happy swinging, J&G

Re: postal contacts

Its debatable about "making money". I tend to agree with you about the site being better over a year ago - and the money making attitude can be off putting. What actually riles me is that I have written to D&J and no word of a reply yet. I have also reported some posts which are obviously commercial ads and they are still on here. Its up to the admin to ensure its run well otherwise it'll just attract the pay people who take advantage (mostly) of the single guys.

Re: postal contacts

Hi marshallgear,

They probably say thanks in their own way as they steam the stamps off of your letters.

We have to disagree with you Terry about the site improving. Although the membership was lower a year ago, it worked better from our point of view and they did not have the politics in place to try to up their income. We can see why they do it, but still find some of it a bit petty and offputting.

Happy swinging, J&G
Hi Jargon,Thanks For Your Response To My Post.Im Glad You Speak Out About Site Politics & I Also Strongly Disagree About Site Improvements,My Membership Has Been 100% Inactive & It Hardly Encourages Me To Want To Upgrade!!There Are Many genuine Standard Members Who Are Clearly Not Being Recognised.Best Regards To You & Happy Swinging.img src="imagesadultemoticons010.gif"

Re: postal contacts

I strongly believe DD and JJ are away............

Re: postal contacts

Hi Terry, the money making bit is normal, after all it is a business.
We say dont hold your breath waiting for a reply from J&D, (as they seem to prefer) we only live a short drive from them and they didnt even bother to send us a reply to our application for their party on the 7th last.
If there are commercials, as with any site, let the owners handle it, why try to help someone who doesnt want help. We have wasted a lot of time doing that in our lives and you dont get any thanks, sometimes even told off for meddling.
Bit like these forums really, few people read them and even fewer bother to offer their pearls of wisdom.
Happy swinging, J&G