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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

johnmichelle207's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Wednesday, 28 March 2018; Thursday, 29 March 2018; Friday, 30 March 2018; Saturday, 31 March 2018; Sunday, 1 April 2018; Monday, 2 April 2018; Tuesday, 3 April 2018; Wednesday, 4 April 2018; Thursday, 5 April 2018; Friday, 6 April 2018; Saturday, 7 April 2018; Sunday, 8 April 2018; Monday, 9 April 2018 V R John Michelle 23 24 trvlng to Goa frm 5th May 2 19.So if any cpls intrstd in mtng us n fun wd swap kndly pvtly msg us with your asl n pics.

Hi I would like to join but I am singel will it work plz say

Hello.... We are in Goa from 3rd May till 8th May. 

Please ping us to connect. 

Hey.. Ill be in Goa from 5th to 8th. Would be staying in Calangute.. Do let me know if you guys would be interested to meet up in Goa during those dates! cheers...

Hi. Let's connect real time.