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am i doing something wrong

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i have contacted several people and only a few have replied. all have not wanted to meet up. all i want is to have a bit of fun, and make some dreams come true. is there anyone out there that needs some loving. get in touch and enjoy the ride ...

Re: am i doing something wrong

Hey, jus browsin.
Maybe it'd b an idea if you added a pic to your profile or something... Members prefer it when you've got a picture... shows your for real.. and not just a time waster and all..

Re: am i doing something wrong

The answer is, "Probably yes." Having read your profile and what you are looking for, it does not surprise us that you do not get replies. Have a look at what others are searching for and think about it a bit? We are all a bit wierd in the eyes of so called, "normal people" and we think that being honest is good, but.................
Best of luck, J&G