Does anyone else use an instant messenger? Here in Spain it is a very popular form of communication, but we have noted since joining this website that not many Brits we have been in touch with use it, or even want to. Emails are fine, up to a point, but for instant chat there is nothing better than or Yahoo and others. We use for preference, as being the least troublesome.
We have also noted that not many registered members of this site bother to read anything on this forum, so we will not expect many replies and as sub "Standard" members will not be able to read them for 3 days anyway! Sad state of affairs!!
Hoping to at least hear from 1 or 2 of you lovely people.
yes i use messenger and yahoo and agree with you its better for chat and ideal for webcamming. you can have a good laugh and perhaps a bit of naughtiness without getting serious if you don't want to. i don't think i am what you are looking for but if you want im me on goslaston