I was walking home one night when a bloke shouted after me "Oi! Donatello! I fuckin hate you! You twat!"
A little puzzled but by no means worried I simply carried on walking. A few more yards down the road and again "Dona! You fuckin knob head!"
I decided to quicken the pace and get some distance between me and my pursuer. He broke into a jog to keep up and shouted "Oi! Don you c*nt"
I broke into a run to escape the obvious escaped psycho but I could hear him behind me shouting "Donatello you wanker"
I reached my door and walked in, closing the door behind me and locking it and through the letter box came "Dona you tit! I hate you!"
I'd reached the end of my tether so ran upstairs and opened the bathroom window, dropped my strides, shouted "Oi!" and hung my arse out of the window.
The voice came back "Hiya Rookie mate what you doing up there?"
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