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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Couples Beach Party

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Date start: 26.08.2017 Date END: 27.08.2017 We would like to invite you to our last party here in the UK. This will not be our last party as we are moving to Spain to open a lifestyle B&B that will be open in early 2018.

The theme is a beach party start time will be 8.30 Pm on Sat 26th Aug

There is NO cost just a bottle or 2 there will be about 20 couples

hi..where will it be..?? thanks


Yes we would love to attend please send info where to meet cheers!

Yes we would love to attend please send info where to meet cheers!

Date start: 26.08.2017 Date END: 27.08.2017 We would like to invite you to our last party here in the UK. This will not be our last party as we are moving to Spain to open a lifestyle B&B that will be open in early 2018.

The theme is a beach party start time will be 8.30 Pm on Sat 26th Aug

There is NO cost just a bottle or 2 there will be about 20 couples

Date start: 26.08.2017 Date END: 27.08.2017 We would like to invite you to our last party here in the UK. This will not be our last party as we are moving to Spain to open a lifestyle B&B that will be open in early 2018.

The theme is a beach party start time will be 8.30 Pm on Sat 26th Aug

There is NO cost just a bottle or 2 there will be about 20 couples
. Good on you guys. Wish you all the best in your new endeavour. Can we attend your party? if yes kindly send us the details. Thanks

wish you guys all the best in your new endeavour. Where is your party please? we will love to attend.

wish you guys all the best in your new endeavour. Where is your party please? we will love to attend.