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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

grimesrachel5's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 15 July 2017; Sunday, 16 July 2017; Monday, 17 July 2017; Tuesday, 18 July 2017; Friday, 21 July 2017; Saturday, 22 July 2017; Wednesday, 26 July 2017; Thursday, 27 July 2017; Friday, 28 July 2017; Saturday, 29 July 2017 ME and my partner would love to meet up with a man for chat and a bit of fun if you get what I mean..

I'd like to know a little more if you're interested please x

Me too

I'm free on some dates get back to me let's talk 

im free too folks.

Will be in area Tuesday 28th. Happy to meet up for a chat ??

Wanna meet with me and my slutty mrs?

Available tomorrow if you are

Hi interested in meeting, would like to meet Tuesday 28th


Love to be there... get back with details

Love to be there.. get back with 

Would love to meet thu

Would love to meet Thursday 

sat 29th yes please xx

21st sounds good to me

Can make tommorr

I'd be up for a meet what's the details? Msg me xx

Will be there Wednesday if you're serious.

Wednesday looks like it's a good option.

Hi would like to come pls send details thx

Hi would like to come pls send details thx

Very interested. Message me details if you fancy it x 

Very interested. Message me details if you fancy it x ????

Very interested. Message me details if you fancy it x ????