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Date start: 24.07.2017 Date END: 24.07.2017 Like to meet in an apartment in Colombo with experienced, trustful couples only. Finger Food as well as soft drinks will be provided. If anyone is in need of alcohol or cigarettes (heshe) should bring it along. Will try to keep it in small scale which means that all together only 3 couples can join the event. I will bring my partner which is very much into "Bi". Single boys are not allowed to join!
Please add yourself to the event and let`s have fun!

I would love to joing to the party with my i need to know expenses there.please pm me 

Please have some patience to give a chance to some more couples as well to add themselves. A final selection will be done by the nineteenth July. Selected couples will be informed about location by us.

Daniel & Shavindri

Dear damithukjqkyt,
Sorry, but the party is for couples only. Your profile does not give us any clue that you are are going as a couple!

RE:attend to the couple party...

I may hope to attend this party with my girl friend..

This is to all couples which would like to join our event! Please be kind enough to add yourself with some picture of yours as it is very difficult to decide whether we are a match or not! Only couples with pictures will be considered to join.
Daniel & Shavindri

pls pm your party details

Hi Danny we would like to join the party

Hi, Consider us!????

Hi, Consider us!????