10:54 pm Friday, 12th January, 2007
Since my (and perhaps your) lifestyle choices are going to be viewed by most as 'limited-interest' (what a nice and gentle way to put it). I would be fascinated to hear from anyone who (ifwhen the word got out about their pastimes) got strange or surprising reactions from friends, colleagues, neighbours etc.
5:34 am Monday, 29th January, 2007
Re: Do people think?Yeh but there's still a lot of bs in our supposedly modern society concerning the way we're supposed to cunduct ourselves. Admittedly a lot of it's still around for general safety of all. But, as far as i can work out, the commonly understood mainstream sexual ethic is still coming down hard women (pun intended) about appearing to be slutty enjoying sex. (... which is pants cos it means there's less sluts out of thier closet for us (mainly) straight guys to enjoy as part time companions...:P )