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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

chncpl2723's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 23 June 2017; Saturday, 24 June 2017; Sunday, 25 June 2017; Monday, 26 June 2017; Tuesday, 27 June 2017; Wednesday, 28 June 2017; Thursday, 29 June 2017; Friday, 30 June 2017; Saturday, 1 July 2017 Travelling Delhi, Any one interested to meet ping

Hi I am single male 45 + interested to join you. 

Hai I am meet for ready 

Event dates: Friday, 23 June 2017; Saturday, 24 June 2017; Sunday, 25 June 2017; Monday, 26 June 2017; Tuesday, 27 June 2017; Wednesday, 28 June 2017; Thursday, 29 June 2017; Friday, 30 June 2017; Saturday, 1 July 2017 Travelling Delhi, Any one interested to meet ping

Heyy !! This is Smith. I currently stay in Delhi. I'm available of the following dates.

Lets get in touch and plan on how to take this further.

Please do check my profile and description.

I feel we have can good time together. So do make some initiative from your side by spending some time in knowing me.

I will not be a disappointment ??

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