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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

22bscooby's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Tuesday, 6 June 2017; Wednesday, 7 June 2017; Thursday, 8 June 2017; Friday, 9 June 2017; Saturday, 10 June 2017; Sunday, 11 June 2017; Monday, 12 June 2017; Tuesday, 13 June 2017; Wednesday, 14 June 2017; Thursday, 15 June 2017; Friday, 16 June 2017; Saturday, 17 June 2017; Sunday, 18 June 2017; Monday, 19 June 2017; Tuesday, 20 June 2017 Whos up for a jolly? safe jolly!

I'd like to join u for your event 

Where and when scooby

Females only close by or with in reasonable traveling distance... smokers welcome... fee this weekend 

Females only close by or with in reasonable traveling distance... smokers welcome... free this weekend 

Females only close by or with in reasonable traveling distance... smokers welcome... free this weekend