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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

hydcpl3's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Monday, 15 May 2017 My wife like to get nude when my friends presence. I would like to invite you'll for a dine and wine party. My wife will sit nude and drink with us.

lets discuss this more on chat?

i am 21 from vijayawada can i attend

Hi.. if it's drink party bro..maybe I would like to join u up.. we can have fun together... If so we can talk over in chat...

Hey ping me lets meet and take this forward

Hey ping me lets meet and take this forward

Monday I have interview bro. I'm sory. If there is any event just keep posting. I like to attend

Am interested sir.also I can host u let me know.

Will attend 

hi can i join ...single male will get scotch and have fun!