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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Nudies Party

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Date start: 08.04.2017 Date END: 08.04.2017 Hey beautiful people. I'm glad you to invite you to a party which i'm organising. From my side there will be 7 friends ( 3 boys and 4 girls ). Ladies and couples are most welcomed. Single guys if you can bring a girl friend you may have access. Otherwise i'm sorry.

Once you enter, only bikini or being naked is allowed.
There is a large pool to accomodate around 15 -20 people. No need to bring swimming suits as you will end up being naked

There will be BBQ, alcoholic drinks and Shisha. If you want to contribute, bring food and drinks.

The bungalow is situated in Trou aux Biches. There are 4 rooms and a large living rooms. Partners can be exchanged.

Message me for more info.