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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

vickyritu's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 6 April 2017; Friday, 7 April 2017; Saturday, 8 April 2017; Sunday, 9 April 2017; Monday, 10 April 2017; Tuesday, 11 April 2017; Wednesday, 12 April 2017; Thursday, 13 April 2017; Friday, 14 April 2017; Saturday, 15 April 2017; Sunday, 16 April 2017; Monday, 17 April 2017; Tuesday, 18 April 2017; Wednesday, 19 April 2017 Coming to HaridwarMoussorie in the end of this month............

Meet single for body messages three some experience in bed lady

Would like to attend 

We are three people, 1 couple and me whatever you like we can come up to that... Think and telk me your decision ?? it can be more kinky and erotic

Can i meet you two in haridwar...dehra dun or mussorrie in last of this month

Can i meet you two in haridwar...dehra dun or mussorrie in last of this month

Would love to meet up at Haridwar..tell me when

ok lets meet me your contact if interested

am interested please send me the details of your plan

I will be in Haridwar on 10 th 11 please let me know how to move f

I will be in Haridwar on 10 th 11 please let me know how to move f

Hi there , M 45 dcent gentleman from roorkee wish to meet , pls share fuether details , if suits

Hi there , M 45 dcent gentleman from roorkee wish to meet , pls share fuether details , if suits

I will be in haridwar and can also join in mussorie...we already planned earlier...but culdnt meet....hope this time....all is well

I will be in haridwar and can also join in mussorie...we already planned earlier...but culdnt meet....hope this time....all is well

can i join you guys