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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Asian Fox's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Saturday, 18 February 2017 I'll be at a party till midnight on Saturday 18th Feb so if anyone will like to meet after I'll have my own hotel room near m6 motorway...

RE:Asian Fox's Quick Meet

where on the m6 will you be

re;asinan fox's quick meet would like to meet up for some fun with you ,could you give me some details of where to meet up with you many thanks

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RE:Asian Fox's Quick Meet

The m6 is a large motorway. Where about is the hotel?

RE:Asian Fox's Quick Meet

The m6 is a large motorway. Where about is the hotel?

RE:Asian Fox's Quick Meet

I'll meet up with you darling!!! Let me know as soon as possible though. So I know not to arrange something else,!! ...? X

RE:Gang bang with us?

any word where this hotel is?