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The Lone Ranger

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The Lone Ranger was riding across the dusty plains and was caught by a group of angry apaches (Native Americans or First Nation Americans).
They buried him up to his neck in the sand to die of heat stroke then rode off whooping and yelling as they do in all Westerns.
The Lone Ranger whistled his horse Silver and whispered to him and Silver reared up and then galloped off to return an hour later with a can-can girl on his back. She jumped off the horse, hitched her skirt up and sat on the Lone Rangers face and grinded her self around for 10 minutes then jumped back on Silver and rode off.
Silver returned after another hour and reared up on his hind legs looking chuffed with himself.
The Lone Ranger beckoned him to come close then whispered "Well done Silver.....now this time go fetch me a POSSE!"
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