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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Mega End of year party

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Date start: 30.12.2016 Date END: 30.12.2016 Your are straightGayLesbian .
You want to Suck Fuck
You want to grab a Pussy or Dick
The event is here , Just send a private message whether you are gay, straight or lesbo

Entrance: Male : 300 Rs
Female : 200 Rs

Date: 301216
Time : 10a.m - 18 pm

P.s : If you know a boy or girl in the event , please be discrete.
What happens in Vegas Stays in vegas

RE:Mega End of year party

Hi, I am interested to attend


plus info?

RE:Mega End of year party

seems theres only boys there dude :S but let me know if there will be some girls presents there and btw im straight :) soo lets the party begins and hope to see lots of girls