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The Vets

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M3Guy was telling me a scam he encountered at the vets.
He took his new puppy for its first jab and as the vet was administering it a ginger cat came in and leapt on the table and looked the puppy up and down. After this a chocolate labrador walked in and looked at the puppy then barked a few times.
When M3Guy went for the bill at reception and it came to £1,500
"What the fuck is that all about?"
The vet said £100 for the jabs and check up, £1400 for the Lab report and the Cat scan"
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Re: The Vets

Very good mate, shame they don't build in fee's for re landscaping the garden and repairing skirting boards!!!

Re: The Vets

Tabasco sauce is the answer mate. Apply liberally to skirting boards and make sure the dog's water bowl is empty!
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Re: The Vets

Always a pleasure, never a chore
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