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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Bobbie6921's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Tuesday, 27 December 2016; Wednesday, 28 December 2016; Thursday, 29 December 2016; Friday, 30 December 2016 This the season to be Naughty we out to play maybe you like to join us

Tis the season

Not sure if you are interested in single males , if not no problem x

RE:Bobbie6921's Quick Meet

I would love to attend

Tis the Season

Like Haexyz, not sure if you are interested in single males..

Here's hoping!

RE:Bobbie6921's Quick Meet

Just wondered, are you having 4 meets, or is it something else you have in mind?

It's off

You cancelled the meet, haven't you?img src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif"

Event cancelled

Event cancelled