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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

rocknrolls's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Wednesday, 5 October 2016 Short notice. But interested ones (couple only) can meet us at Dhulikhel for one night stay.

What about singles...????

Dear cpl, congrats n best wishes for Dhulikhel, I am curious to be part of the one night stay but Firstly, I am out of Nepal and will be back to Nepal on 11 October, 2016 and secondly you have only invited couples...

Please go through my profile and if you find my profile interesting then you can reach me

RE:What about singles...????

We r couple.. and interested to couple. however if we change our mind to invite single, will inform.. keep in touch

RE:What about singles...????

U said u r not in this country.. so write to us when u return back here


where r u? if u can join, u r welcome


Can i join daju??