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Home > Forums > Clubs & Venues (The Social Scene)

Threesome SpiceX

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Date start: 17.09.2016 Date END: 18.09.2016 Will arrange a lady to have a threesome. Non-pushy individuals required. Will be required to help select the lady.

RE:Threesome SpiceX

Hi friend!!! I am 31 single male from kochi and i would like to meet you and help you in selecting the lady and if you guys are interested then we can have friendship and fun. Moreover i would luv to watch you guys have fun and join you guys when you guys feel comfortable and secure by my presence. Hope to hear from you soon. Enjoy your trip!!!


RE:Threesome SpiceX

Date start: 17.09.2016 Date END: 18.09.2016 Will arrange a lady to have a threesome. Non-pushy individuals required. Will be required to help select the lady.

I am from bangalore I am interested in am fine with today ping me in for my pics and detailsimg src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif"