Date start: 07.09.2016 Date END: 08.09.2016 we have planned to host a party after a long time.
House rules-
1.No single guys are welcome
2.Cpls girls with a few genuine recommendations are only welcome.
3. We will host so you no need bring anything :)
4.We will select 5-7 well spoken profiles with reputation only.
5. All cpls who get the final invitation will know the profiles of the list of invitees to make sure that there is no bad egg.
6. We do not like cpls above 45 and below 23 or cpls who do not have a well maintained body.
7. If you love to come to the party please send us a message.
8. However if we do not reply please humbly accept that this party is not for you ,may be next time :)