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My intro to the site and a little bit about my wife

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Hello. I am new to the site and a lot of the terminology, so I apologize in advance for any errors I may make.

My name is David, and I've been married to my wife Kristen for 6 years now. She is 31 and I am 42. We have two beautiful kids together. Our marriage hasn't been perfect by any means, but we make a pretty good team.

When we got married, I had only had sex with one other girl before meeting Kristen. She, on the other hand had several sexual partners, more than half a dozen if I remember correctly, before she met me. Some of those included a few married men, and one who was engaged and less than a month away from his wedding day. A few of them stayed in contact with her for some time.

We lived together for roughly a year, before Kristen and I decided to get married. Our sex life was great, or at least someone inexperienced like me thought so. After getting hitched, the sex stayed on the same frequency for a few months, but I started to sense things weren't quite the same anymore. Now I'm not referring to any doldrums that many marriages experience. It was something else.

As our sexual encounters diminished, Kristen was hanging out with her friends more and more. It didn't bother me. I stayed home, and satisfied my sexual urges by looking at porn. I also looked a lot of pictures of her. She was always willing to let me take photos. I was the horny aspiring photographer, and she, the seductive, sexy wife. Surprisingly, the photoshoots never led to us having crazy, wild sex, in fact it was more like a hobby for us. In fact, at that point Kristen and I were rarely having sex.

Right after the birth of our first child, and roughly the second year of our marriage, Kristen told me that a guy at her job named Travis was hitting on her all the time and telling her things women enjoy hearing. He felt bad for her that I was never with her, as I was away a lot working a part time job in the evenings. I shrugged it off and jokingly acted excited by the idea of another man being with my wife.

About a month passed before we were intimate again. That next time, while we were in the middle of having sex, Kristen pulled away from deep-kissing me and told me that she went to Travis's house for lunch and that they had kissed. I was shocked to say the least. He totally didn't seem like her type. She pouted and told me that when she told me that Travis liked her that I acted like I didn't care. I didn't really know what to say, but my penis sure did react. My brain was upset, but my penis was enraged and harder than probably ever.

This is just a very small part of my story. I don't want to bore anyone more than I already have.

Please bear with me as I try to learn and understand more about who I am, and where I stand in my relationship with Kristen. I hope finding this site will help me do that.

All I ask of the members of this board is to be open and honest with me, as I will do with everyone here. If that means being brutally honest, and hurting my feelings, then that is fine. No sugarcoating is necessary.

Thanks for reading,