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Home > Forums > Parties (The Social Scene)

Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

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Date start: 05.08.2016 Date END: 06.08.2016 We are hosting fun sessions in Colombo on August fifth and sixth. Sessions are on morning and afternoon. Its FREE and we will provide soft drinks, fruits and snacks. Alcohol and photography NOT allowed.
Interested couples and pairs please inform us your prefer day and session. Will inform more details to the confirmed people.

RE:Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

Hi we like to join this with you. Hope this is purely for married cpls only. we might join with you in friday evening let us knw if it is ok.

RE:Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

we also


We too

Preferred Day & time

we would definitely prefer to come on the 5th August during morning hours.img src="imagesadultemoticons013.gif"

RE:Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

we too like 5th morning.


how about bi guys?.....

RE:Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

How about me, I am bi-c may I join the party


Please be so kind to inform us in advance about the participants on 5th of August.

RE:Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

HI let me know


We like to join


Can I join you guys?

RE:Preferred Day & time

We cannot join, as there won't be any event on 5th August


I would love to join in the 6th morning

RE:Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

i like to join

RE:Fun sessions in Colombo on August five & six

bro can u pls reply me