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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

MatthewWashingto's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 15 July 2016 I love for a lady of true love to come. A lady with a job and likes dog and like to get to know then after 1 year marry and do family.

RE:MatthewWashingto's Quick Meet

Let me first of all introduce myself. i am 35 years of age, I am from United States and I was born in Maryland, and grew up in California, I am the only survival kid of my late parents both of them are dead.i'm an army commander and as i speak with you now am station in Afghanistan for a peace keeping mission and also i have been in the army for 12 years now, I am an E-6 Staff Sergeant (SSG). I also act as a platoon sergeant in the absence of the Sergeant First Class, I am the leader of my squad.

heyy bb

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heyy bb

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