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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

RahulPinky24's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 3 June 2016; Saturday, 4 June 2016; Sunday, 5 June 2016 looking for couple as we will b around flic en flac and grand bay during 3 days..feel free to contact..

want to meet you

Hi wish to meet you to be good friends and to have fun.
Hope to hear from you soon.


single male free from triolet

keep me updated about the lieu..

keep me updated about the lieu..

RE:RahulPinky24's Quick Meet

what will be the programm

RE:want to meet you male or female?

will there be a secure place

Is that a group event , orgy?

RE:RE:want to meet you

is it a male dog or female dog man we r all human learn sme respect zen approach sme1 cheers

RE:RahulPinky24's Quick Meet

Dear Couple,

We wouild be most obliged to meet you.
We can make it either tomorrow night or Sunday late afternoon and night.

Thank you

Dev & Sharda

RE:RE:RahulPinky24's Quick Meet

your not serious guyimg src="imagesadultemoticons007.gif"

RE:RE:RE:want to meet you

Im free tonight...