1:40 pm Wednesday, 25th May, 2016
Event dates: 25.05.2016, 27.05.2016, 28.05.2016, 29.05.2016, 02.06.2016, 03.06.2016, 04.06.2016, 05.06.2016, Hey looking for fun |
9:45 am Saturday, 28th May, 2016
RE:smac69's Quick MeetSlim single guy |
3:52 am Thursday, 2nd June, 2016
RE:smac69's Quick MeetI can attend let me know |
9:41 am Thursday, 2nd June, 2016
RE:RE:smac69's Quick MeetMeet up yes anytime img src="imagesadultemoticons030.gif" img src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif" |
12:59 pm Thursday, 2nd June, 2016
Whore CDHey! Any chance of a group of guys filming me being fucked and sucking like a little Whoreimg src="imagesadultemoticons011.gif" |
6:41 pm Sunday, 26th June, 2016
RE:Whore CDGot ability to film if you got camera. I have standard domestic digital video SLR set up. But not commercial grade. Can provide two assistants for make up wardrobe know some male talent but best if you involved in process and choose. Have location school hours. Nutural Out door location good less work. |