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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

swift12****'s Quick Meet

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Event dates: 25.05.2016, 26.05.2016, 28.05.2016, message me if interested lets have fun .

willing to attend

Hi! I'm willing to attend on the 28th but because of my work I can't leave NCR. where's this place? Hope to have more details with the place and time.

RE:swift12****'s Quick Meet

Perfect date. Id be coming home from bataan to makati. Id meet you at sm manila, send me your contact details. Id spend the night with you.img src="imagesadultemoticons028.gif"

RE:swift12****'s Quick Meet

where will be the location for the event? will it be a bar? or even a hotel?

lets have a quick meet on May 30 2016..lets have some fun :)

lets meet.

seb zero nine one nine eight four eight.eight seven four one

Hooking up. With or without. Carry bells.
Fairview Q.C.Area discreet not particular with the physical looks but the idea of forward physical sex.No inhibitions no lies no turning back.