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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

Fuckbuddies007's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Friday, 6 May 2016 v r lukin 4 cpls 2 meet on friday evnin. v r srching sm1 who r ok wid NSA.Lets casually meet on Friday n thn decide abt next plan of satsunday.


Few things
1. We want young hygenic decent and ofcrs above avg looking couples (as we feel we are in that rung)..above 35 plz ignore
2. If you are interested then message your whats app number,we will decide there..
3. Last but not the least, if your profile is having pics then thats better..if not then you have to share your pics on whats app and then only we will be able to meet on friday.

p.s. we do not have place for saturday or sunday action as our parents are here. So those who have place to meet those couples should ping us.