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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

just a special day to celebrate

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Date start: 21.04.2016 Date END: 21.04.2016 looking for any guy(s) to join us and bang the wife.... preferably with good tool....

special celebration


special celeb

nice..awesome like to be there


I am probably too naive but could someone explain to me what this means please?

Is event free No

Are you charging for sex ???


nop. the event is free... we dont charge any cent for such an event.. its a machine-generated that we forgot to edit.


thanks . I wasnt sure if it was some kind of code ! hahahaha

just a special day to celebrate

Where is the location?

just a special day to celebrate

Where is the location?

RE:just a special day to celebrate

davao city only

RE:just a special day to celebrate

I have no interest in visiting Davao or Mindanao.

RE:RE:just a special day to celebrate

I am sure that Davao and Mindanao feel the same way