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3 couples srspswing party

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Date start: 01.04.2016 Date END: 01.04.2016 I need 2 beautiful, educated, hygenic and decent couples to join us in an srsp or swing party at our place either at uttara or niketan (we're not sure of the place yet). It will b a fun night where we'll make new friends and have some exquisite fun. Interested couples please inbox. Hope to see u!

RE:3 couples srspswing party

We're interested. img src="imagesadultemoticons008.gif"

RE:RE:3 couples srspswing party

Inbox some pics of urself nd ur partner and we'll get back to u

RE:RE:RE:3 couples srspswing party

Inbox some pics of urself nd ur partner and we'll get back to u

Your program will not be successful with these attitude because everybody has their own privacy limit...

RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:3 couples srspswing party

Your program will not be successful with these attitude because everybod****s their own privacy limit...

Yes as do we. What im asking for is pics without face. I dont support sharing pics with faces as i myself work in an MNC and if my pic gets leaked, i will severely embarassed. I want to see if the interested couples r physically what we want. I will see their faces when we meet ONLY. i hope thats fine?