9:11 am Thursday, 25th February, 2016
Date start: 04.03.2016 Date END: 04.03.2016 We are planning for a group meet of classy and limited no of cpls. Max 5 cpls. In a safe place in Colombo. If interested contact us. Strictly No Drugs. |
2:00 am Saturday, 27th February, 2016
hil like attend. CD Bot here. |
4:27 pm Saturday, 27th February, 2016
RE:hiSorry bro only for classy cpls with experience.... |
5:37 pm Wednesday, 2nd March, 2016
RE:Relaxing Group Fun for classy cplsam kotigawtta ,i like you meet any any sex fun,am ok meet
8:59 am Saturday, 5th March, 2016
ThanksThanks to all who attended the party. Hope everyone had good fun. Hope to meet you all again at a new location with more fun :)