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Orgy party

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Date start: 08.03.2016 Date END: 09.03.2016 Hey guys.. am sure we r all here for a purpose sex.. im new to this site but i have swinging for couple of years now.. and many countries.. and it feels so good.. sex plus socialising. Maldives has a great potential. Henceforth i would like to organise an orgy party whereby we all can meet and have a mega blast. I want to see how many people r interested. The most important thing is privacy and mutual respect. Secondly only selective people will be chosen. Date and venue will ve advised soon. Just FYI.. am not a fake guy who is willing to lose his time here. I have a respected person and have a good job here. I really want to invest and make this event succesful but i need ur support also to make it happen. If the first one is successful. We can do it at least once a month. So if u r interested pls send me a.personal message. Hope to hear from u soon. Nb date below is tentative