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Home > Forums > Quick Swing (The Social Scene)

ManilaHotWife's Quick Meet

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Event dates: Thursday, 11 February 2016; Friday, 12 February 2016; Saturday, 13 February 2016; Sunday, 14 February 2016 We will be in Angeles 11-15th and would love for people who know the bars and city. Staying at ABC. Relax by the pool, meet for lunch or dinner.

Re your Profile

Thank you for asking us to read your profile and wishing to meet. Since your profile is Avatar only and two lines, I think we will skip. There is nothing in your profile to suggest who you are, what you like or what you look like. poor effort.

RE:Re your Profile

Thank you for asking us to read your profile and wishing to meet. Since your profile is Avatar only and two lines, I think we will skip. There is nothing in your profile to suggest who you are, what you like or what you look like. poor effort.
Absolutely right, guys who would love to be picked must effort, don't be cocky nor be a jerk. Respect and be nice, otherwise you're lost ...

RE:ManilaHotWife's Quick Meet

Hi mixte couple here, please read our profile if interrested send us a pm Thanks!,,Cheers!

Hi ManilaHotWife

I'm from manila, but will be 30mins away from Angeles on dates that you're there. We can probably go a meet and i sure ccan take you around. :) Do let me know how you feel about this. I'll be around the area till the 13th also.

RE:RE:ManilaHotWife's Quick Meet

Sent you a message

RE:RE:RE:ManilaHotWife's Quick Meet

Got it and replied,Thank's.

RE:RE:RE:ManilaHotWife's Quick Meet

Got it and replied,Thank's.

RE:RE:Re your Profile

We read so many posts from guys that say they cant get into the game. That they try to contact so many girls and couples with no success.

The reality is simply they have no desire to put forth the effort it takes to make anyone interested in them. Who would be interested in an Avatar only profile. Or a profile that just says wanna meet and fuck.

Christine has many toys that can be as inpersonal and non informative as a guy who says lets meet.

Guys, either read the profile, or dont jam up someones email. If you are not what we someone is looking for just move on. Better yet take the time to make a specific search for a good match.

If you expect to get even a response, then put forth the effort to send a good introduction. Have good pics that would interest someone in your profile. One liners and Avatar only profiles, or having a profile that is boring will not get a response from us, or many other serious couples.

RE:RE:RE:Re your Profile

right on!


Hi, your so sexy...can we have a chat?